The Three Pillars of Transforming Care

The Three Pillars of Transforming Care

Trauma and Resilience in the Other 23 Hours

The Three Pillars of Transforming Care is not another trauma training for therapists. This training addresses those working directly with traumatized youngsters in foster care, residential care, schools, youth justice workers, and the family. These individuals need therapeutic strategies in order to meet the needs of young people whose behaviors can be baffling and challenging. Three Pillars is also useful for professionals who train, mentor, and support direct care providers. This training is unique as it blends trauma research with resilience science. Much healing from trauma takes place beyond formal therapy in the natural environment of “the other 23 hours.” Both authors of this course grew up in out of home residential settings.

Participants gain a wealth of trauma-informed concepts and tools.

Two-day certification for working with those who experience trauma or loss.


Mark Freado, MA in Counseling and MA in Forensic Psychology, is Director of Growing Edge Training, LLC, Westerville, Ohio. He has a forty-year career in mental health, education, social services, program development, leadership, and training. He served in direct care and executive roles with Pressley Ridge and as director of the American Re-ED Association. For over 20 years, he has been a key leader in developing the reclaiming youth movement including serving as Director of the International Training Network for CF Learning, a program of Cal Farley’s in Amarillo, Texas. He and J. C. Chambers co-authored The Art of Kid Whispering: Reaching the Inside Kid. He is also co-developer of Planning Restorative Outcomes, a strength-based assessment model and serves as an expert witness in juvenile justice hearings. He provides professional development and consultation to organizations world-wide.


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